AFTER CARE - Eyelash extensions

With care and proper maintenance, your eyelash extensions will only need to be filled every 2-4 weeks.  The following after care is important for longer lasting, healthy, beautiful lashes.

Keep lashes clean and free of debris and oils by washing daily with baby shampoo or an oil free cleanser. Be sure to rinse very thoroughly. Use cotton swabs to remove excess makeup by working gently around the eyelashes.

Avoid using any oil-based products on or near your lashes. Oil will break down the bonding agent causing your extensions to fall off prematurely.  Moisturizers, sunscreen, primers, cream based eyeshadow, eye drops and hair spray can all contain oil.

Extreme heat and hot steam should be avoided as it can cause extensions to loose their curl.  Take care not to get too close to an open hot oven or grill.  Hot showers are safe as long as you do not allow water to spray directly down on your lashes.

While working out it is good to wear a sweat band or hat to keep your extensions safe from sweat and oil.

Sleeping on your back is the best way to retain your extensions. 

Avoid rubbing, pulling and playing with extensions. This may cause premature shedding and damage to your natural lash.

Do not use waterproof mascara on your eyelashes. A water soluble mascara or one designed specifically for eyelash extensions is fine to use, although you'll probably find that you no longer require mascara.